Portfolio > You Never Know How You Look Through Other People’s Eyes ICA MECA 2018

MECA ICA Portland, ME Curated by Scott Weiner Essay by Mary Mattingly
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Braided, handmade rope made from materials collected at Humboldt Park. Natural dye, phytoremedior plants, dirt, litter (cigarrillos, flaming cheetos/doritos,candy wrappers) zippers, and shoes.

The braided, handmade rope is made from materials collected at Humboldt Park Natural dye, phytoremediator plants, dirt, litter (cigarillos, Flaming Cheetos/Doritos, candy wrappers) zippers, and shoestrings.

This braided rug is an everyday object that is made from materials that I gathered near my home in Humboldt Park. The braid spirals out of a black void into a thick rope and becomes a type of map and marker to navigate my neighborhood space. I made the rope from the land to build a fabric and a tool of community, using stories and objects that are the woven fabric of Humboldt Park’s daily life and the “inescapable network of mutuality.” (M.L.King, Why We Can’t-Wait, 1964)