Portfolio > Bold Disobedience, Weinberg Newton Gallery Chicago 2017

The Super Local
The Super Local
News Print (by Newspaper Club) Graphic Design, Newspaper Rods
11”x 17 “ 8 newspaper folios, 10 rods

The Super Local are neighborhood newspapers created to amplify voices of neighborhood residents. The papers build in color pulling from the paper’s CYMK printing range.

The work responds to a density of negative media coverage of Chicago's Westside, which creates a psychic mass, an overlay that can at times is tense and aggressive. Citizens who live in lower-income neighborhoods contends with these constructs daily.

The local community newspapers provide a counterpoint to mainstream media and the dominant narratives of how one sees it. Mainstream media builds off negative stereotypes, which often seem unreasonable to lived neighborhood life. This local reporting communicates perspectives that are often overlooked -celebrating local achievements, talented people, creative events, strength, and the joy of community life.