Portfolio > Publications

ARt Anthropocene,post-natural landscapes, ecology, environmental activism, and disruptions of the binary between ”nature" and "culture." Laboria Cubonix Xenofeminist Manifesto, Activism, Art + Science, Climate Change, Environment, Environmentalism, Food,
Pipeline as part of Exhibition Post/ Natural


Through an exhibition, satellite library, and series of events, Post/Natural explores how artists are approaching the Anthropocene, post-natural landscapes, ecology, environmental activism, and disruptions of the binary between ”nature" and "culture." Because the Anthropocene is a topic that traverses the sciences, humanities, and most recently visual arts, Post/Natural takes artists’ publications as a focus point to ask what kinds of dialogue might develop from bridging scholarly and aesthetic modes of production. Like Laboria Cubonix in their Xenofeminist Manifesto, Post/Natural seeks to chip away at the concept of “Nature as an un-remarkable given,” investigating different Nature-Cultures, how they are constructed and what happens when they collide.